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The Historical Light Masonic Podcast
Discover the timeless significance of Masonic history with the Historical Light Masonic Podcast, your exclusive gateway to the rich heritage of Freemasonry. Delving deep into the annals of time, Historical Light uniquely focuses on the preservation, exploration, and archival of Masonic history, offering expert insights, captivating narratives, and in-depth analyses. With a commitment to scholarly excellence and a passion for unraveling the mysteries of the craft, this podcast is an indispensable resource for Freemasons and history enthusiasts alike, shedding light on the enduring legacy and profound teachings of one of the world’s oldest fraternal organizations.
Your Host
Meet Alex G. Powers
Alex G. Powers is a historian and esoteric enthusiast. As a fifth-generation Freemason, he carries a hearty interest in antiquities of the Masonic institution. He is a Past Master of Gardner Lodge No. 65 currently serving as the Director of the Kansas Lodge of Research, as well as a Past ADGM and DDGM in Kansas. Brother Powers is the host and founder of Historical Light, which he started back in 2016. Already in great admiration of history behind Freemasonry, he wanted to know more. As a personal mission to dig deeper into the history seeking further light he launched the show and appendant platforms of Historical Light which has grown into what it is today. He is also the author of “A History of Gardner Masonic Lodge No. 65” with additional projects in the works.

Fraternal Historian
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